Amazon Choice is a digital badge that Amazon assigns to products that best fit the relevant search keyword
It is a label that Amazon applies to various products on its site, and it can be found in the upper left corner of the product feature image on category and search results pages. It can also be seen beneath the product’s title on the listing page
The badge is a direct recommendation to buy from Amazon, and it can have a positive effect on sales by drawing potential buyers’ attention to the product and creating additional trust
The Amazon Choice badge can be a real sales driver and plays an important role in voice commerce
It is a way to drive more sales to Amazon listings
The exact requirements for Amazon Choice have long been a mystery to sellers on Amazon, but it is clear that the best choice products have one thing in common; they are sold by all-around strong sellers
If you want your products to become Amazon Choice items, there is no other way than to be a great Amazon seller
Having the Amazon Choice badge comes with several benefits, including:
Increased visibility: Products with the Amazon Choice badge are more likely to be seen by customers. The badge appears in the upper left corner of the product’s feature image on category and search results pages, as well as beneath the product’s title on the listing page
- Higher sales: The Amazon Choice badge indicates that a product is the best match for a specific keyword. It signifies that the product has an absolute majority of all sales resulting from that keyword, meaning it has more than 50% of all purchases for the term. It can increase conversions.
- Improved conversion rate: The badge can boost customer confidence and trust in the product, leading to a higher conversion rate. Customers may be more likely to choose a product with the Amazon Choice badge over other options
- Enhanced brand authority: Having the Amazon Choice badge can contribute to a stronger brand image and authority. It signifies that the product is recommended by Amazon as a top choice for customers
- Boost in organic traffic: Listings with the Amazon Choice badge receive increased organic traffic. Studies have shown that products with the badge can experience a 17% boost in traffic and conversions
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Amazon Choose Products for the Amazon Choice Badge:
The badge appears in the upper left corner of the product’s feature image on the category and search results pages and beneath the product’s title on the listing page
When a product has Amazon’s Choice badge, it indicates that the product is the great in shape for the keyword that the patron is the use of
Specifically, the product has an absolute majority of all sales as a result of that key-word, meaning it has extra than 50% of all purchases for the term If there is not a product with an absolute majority, then there’s no Amazon Choice for that key-word While Amazon does not deliver precise commands for a way to get the badge, it’s miles clean that the great-preference merchandise have one thing in commonplace; they’re sold through all-round robust dealers
Here are some factors that are known to influence Amazon’s Choice algorithm:
Keywords: Amazon’s Choice relies heavily on good keywords and items that correspond to very specific keyword searches
- Customer rating: Bring up your customer rating
- Prime-eligibility: Be Prime-eligible
- Competitive pricing: Have competitive pricing
- User reviews: Get great user reviews
- Fast shipping: Amazon values fast shipping, so fast shipping can influence the algorithm
- Stock availability: Stay in stock
Here is a step-by-step guide to qualifying for the Amazon Choice badge:
- Focus on Keywords: Amazon choice badge greatly depends on good keyword implementation. Therefore, optimizing your product listings for your target Amazon Choice keywords is the first step
- Provide a Great Customer Experience: Amazon choice products are the ones sold most among the competition. Therefore, providing a great customer experience is crucial to becoming an Amazon Choice item. This includes having a high customer rating, getting great user reviews, and maintaining competitive pricing
- Be Prime-Eligible: Your inventory must be Prime-eligible, in stock, and available to ship immediately
- Maintain Competitive Pricing: Having competitive pricing is important to becoming an Amazon Choice item. This includes offering competitive prices compared to other sellers and having a competitive price-to-quality ratio
- Stay in Stock: It is important to keep your inventory in stock and available to ship immediately
- Improve Customer Reviews: Encourage your customers to leave positive reviews for your products. This can be done by providing excellent customer service, following up with customers after their purchase, and providing clear and accurate product descriptions
- Use Amazon FBA: Using Amazon’s FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) service can help you qualify for the Amazon Choice badge. This is because FBA products are Prime-eligible, and Amazon prioritizes Prime-eligible products for the Amazon Choice badge
Optimizing your listings for the Amazon Choice Badge:
To optimize your product listings for the Amazon Choice badge, follow these tips:
Optimize your listings: Research and target the right keywords for your product listing. Use tools like AMZScout Amazon Keyword Search or Keyword Wizard for Amazon to find relevant keywords
- Price competitively: Ensure that your product is competitively priced compared to similar products on Amazon
- Fulfill orders using FBA: Utilize Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) to fulfill orders. This can help improve your chances of getting the Amazon Choice badge
- Increase sales: Focus on increasing sales for your product. Good products that naturally get more sales and positive reviews have a higher chance of receiving the Amazon Choice badge
- Optimize product descriptions: Enhance your product descriptions to provide clear and detailed information about your product. This can help customers make informed purchasing decisions
By implementing these strategies, you can increase your chances of obtaining the Amazon Choice badge for your product listings and boost your sales on Amazon
Frequently Ask Questions
What is the Amazon Choice badge?
Amazon Choice is a badge for products that best match specific keyword searches, boosting visibility and trust.
What are the benefits of the Amazon Choice badge?
The badge increases visibility, sales, conversion rates, brand authority, and organic traffic, improving overall performance.
How does Amazon choose products for the Amazon Choice badge?
Amazon selects products based on keyword relevance, high sales, competitive pricing, Prime eligibility, reviews, and stock availability.
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