Amazon PPC Cost a Complete Guide
Published On
October 3, 2024
Reading Time
5 Min Read

Given the number of sellers competing for customer attention having a strong marketing strategy is vital.

One of the best ways for merchants to connect with their audience on Amazon is through Pay-Per-Click ads. 

They increase visibility and eventually drive up sales by attracting more audience to the product.

Knowing how to set up a budget for Amazon PPC can be difficult to understand. 

So in this blog, we will discuss different easier steps related to Amazon PPC cost and how you as a seller can benefit.

What is Amazon PPC?

It is a unique online marketing strategy. Online merchants will pay for each click on their ads. 

With this system, sellers reach specific consumers thereby increasing sales opportunities.

The cost of each click varies based on the related keyword’s presence and competition among sellers for that keyword. 

Sellers can determine how much to spend as well as modify bid strategies in response to different campaigns.

Types of ads include:

  • Promoted Items: A promoted item is an advertisement that shows up when you search for a particular word or group of words with the Sponsored label. This ad appears on top of search results and product details pages.This advertisement aims to encourage sales towards a certain product.
  • Promoted Brands: Promoted brands are similar to promoted items but have a logo of the brand, a headline as well as up to three highlighted products. They aim to boost brand visibility and awareness. This could motivate customers to buy their products.
  • Promoted Displays: Sponsored display ads appear on product pages, reviews, and Amazon emails. The idea behind these ads is to get back those customers who viewed but didn’t buy to finish their purchases.
  • Amazon Demand-Side Platform: It is a marketing platform. It lets advertisers programmatically buy display and video ads on Amazon and third-party sites. 

This platform has advanced targeting, real-time optimization and detailed reports. 

These features make it a strong tool for reaching and engaging clients.

Amazon's ads have different targeting, bidding, and formats. This lets sellers reach their audience and profit from all PPC ads.

Different Cost Elements of Amazon PPC 

Amazon PPC costs $0.15 to $6 per click. It depends on the ad type, keywords, and competition from other sellers.

Below are some key elements to consider:

  • Cost Per Click: This is what a seller pays to Amazon each time someone clicks on their ads. It can vary depending on several factors such as the level of competition in targeted keywords and the seller’s bidding strategy.
  • Cost Per Impression: The CPM model means the seller pays Amazon per thousand impressions.Companies using sponsored display ads often prefer this model. It allows for monthly or quarterly budgets and is simple.
  • Advertising Cost of Sale: This is a percentage that shows the ratio of ad spend to sales made. It helps to determine how much the advertising costs depend on the revenue generated from a campaign. A high sale means that your ad expenses are higher than your income from sales thus it may indicate an ineffective campaign.
  • Cost Per Action: Also known as cost per acquisition it refers to the amount paid when a customer clicks on your ad and buys something. 

Finding out this figure helps you arrive at your CPC as well as set aside some funds for future campaigns.

How do you calculate Amazon's PPC Cost?

Follow the following steps:

  • Establish your Cost Per Click: This is the amount paid for every click.
  • Calculate Overall Advertisement Expenses: Multiply your CPC by the number of clicks.
  • Check your Advertising Cost of Sales: To know how much you spend per sale divide ad expenses with sales made from the ad.

Through these steps understanding and controlling your PPC budget becomes very easy.

Recommend to Read: Amazon PPC Management a Complete Guide

Factors that Drive Amazon PPC Rates


Before promoting a product, check for competitors on the platform. With the presence of stiff competition within the beauty industry, expect the cost per keyword to be relatively high. More than one seller targeting the same keywords raises ad costs.

Bidding Plan:

There are three different bidding strategies you could consider. The Dynamic Bidding down only option lets Amazon lower your bids if your ads may get fewer conversions. The Dynamic Bidding up and down option will adjust your bid. It will raise your bid if higher conversion rates are likely. It will lower your bid otherwise. Alternatively, in case you prefer fixed bids you can manually determine and alter the amounts offered.


Ensure that you bid on relevant products and services corresponding to the keywords selected by you. Your entire campaign should also relate to search terms such as product name as well as pictures.In return, this will result in more clicks, and therefore conversions which translate into lesser total costs.

Click-Through Rates:

It is the percentage of people who click on your item after seeing its Amazon search listing among other results. A high CTR indicates what bidders have been targeting could be what customers want hence triggering an increase in sales.

Conversion Rates:

They are the sales from customers who saw your ad for a product. If your product has a big conversion rate then you probably have lower expenses. 

You must work on turning visitors into buyers. The advertisement must be more convincing in persuading people to buy.

Beneficial Tips for Amazon PPC 

Here are some suggestions that can help you know how much to spend on Amazon PPC:

Improving Ads:

Optimize the number of keywords in each group.This will better target buyers and reduce wasted ad spend on irrelevant clicks.

Lower CPC based Keyword Bidding:

This means doing your research. You must analyze the different CPCs for various keywords carefully.You must find low-cost relevant keywords. They should match your target audience and products.

Setting Clear Targets:

The Amazon PPC requires clear planning.They will determine your budget, bid strategy and ad format.

Observing your competition:

Keyword costs vary by industry. They are also affected by other sites that steal from you. This makes it necessary to consider the average prices of keywords relating to your product. Besides, check on what advertisements are used by your adversaries.


For Amazon PPC, one size does not fit all. It's important to test different bid amounts to get the best results. Starting with fairly low bidding might be a good idea so that you can compare how well your product lists do when faced with your competitors.

Use Negative Keywords:

For small eCommerce businesses, Amazon PPC costs can be a headache for them. But by using negative keywords on Amazon, unnecessary traffic can be eliminated decreasing an individual’s PPC costs.

Timely Campaigns:

Depending on what you sell coming up with a campaign that takes advantage of a holiday or seasonal trend can increase sales. However, ensure that the item being sold is in line with the holiday pattern and doesn’t appear forced.

Monitor Ad Performance Regularly:

Your campaign needs to be monitored regularly once it goes live. Right tools such as Amazon's reporting instruments allow tracking ad expenditure, clicks received or impressions made as well as conversions made over time.

Finances and Strategies Should Be Adjusted:

Your financial plan and tactics require periodic modification reliant on the achievements of your campaigns. Furthermore, your competitors are keenly watching what you do hence maintaining your pace would be a smart choice.


A good way to promote the product is using Amazon PPC which could be a good start for increasing brand enthusiasm. However, you must first recognize the expenses before designing a budget that meets their needs when it comes to advertising. 

Constantly monitor ad effectiveness. Also, adjust the budget and bidding strategy. This will maximize revenue and achieve advertising goals.

Frequently Ask Questions

Q1: What is Amazon PPC?

A: Amazon PPC is an advertising approach that allows you to pay for every individual click on your item adverts.

Q2: How much does Amazon PPC cost?

A: The prices may vary though; on average sellers part with about 0.15-6 dollars per click depending on competition among others.

Q3: How do I reduce my costs with Amazon PPC?

A: Target specific keywords in your niche. Adjust your bids if needed. Use negative keywords to block irrelevant ones.

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