Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads Guide
Published On
October 4, 2024
Reading Time
3 - 6 Min

Complete Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads Guide

With Sponsored Brands, you can deliver a potent, brand-consistent message in addition to expanding your audience. Since you have complete control over the appearance and meaning of your advertising, you can be sure that you are correctly showcasing your brand and giving customers a unified, enjoyable experience.

You have access to sophisticated marketing and advertising tools that other sellers do not as an Amazon brand-registered merchant. Sponsored Brands advertisements are one such marketing tactic. As traffic is directed straight from the ad to your Amazon Storefront or unique Amazon landing page, Sponsored Brands advertising aids in promoting brand recognition. After a customer clicks, just your brand is highlighted and the rival listings are hidden.

We’ll cover all the Sponsored Brands information you require in this guide to assist you link your brand, product line, and narrative with customers searching the world over for items similar to yours.

What are Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads?

At the top of Amazon’s SERP are Amazon Sponsored Brands, which are effectively banner advertisements.

Previously known as Headline Search Ads, Sponsored Brand Ads are a potent weapon in your Amazon PPC arsenal. By dominating the top of search results, they catch consumers’ attention and may be utilized to increase their awareness and consideration of not just one of your items but of your whole brand.

Over time, Sponsored Brands advertisements have gained popularity; currently, 38% of Amazon third-party sellers utilize them, including 66% of those who have reached $1 million in lifetime sales. Only around 10% of Amazon’s advertising revenue in 2018 came from Sponsored Brands advertisements. Since then, the amount has doubled.

How Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads Work?

The optimum placement for Sponsored Brands advertisements is within, close to, or even at the top of the search results page on both desktop and mobile devices. On product detail pages, Sponsored Brands advertisements with a store link could also be shown. The fact that these advertisements frequently result in more conversions than those that link to a product list page is another justification for linking to a store.

Sponsored Brands advertisements are a sort of pay-per-click (PPC) advertisement like Sponsored Products ads. You’ll participate in an auction and get charged according to how many customers click the ad’s link.

You will be filling these with keywords or utilizing Product Attribute Targeting to target certain ASINs as Sponsored Brands targeting is manual only (not automatic). It is a good idea to include keywords from successful Sponsored Products ads in Sponsored Brands campaigns.

It’s critical to comprehend and abide by Amazon’s tight standards regulating the creative material for these adverts. Before they are published to go live on the site, Amazon personnel review new Sponsored Brands advertisements.

Things to Make Sure While Building Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads:

  • For the advertisement, upload your company’s logo. Make sure the image reads effectively on a tiny screen because Sponsored Brands may display on mobile.
  • Enter a catchy title that will inspire your viewers. Text that encourages the customer to act is very effective. For instance, try saying “that bracelet will look right on your wrist” rather than “our bracelets are attractive.”
  • Again, when including a picture, keep in mind that clear, uncomplicated graphics will look the best across the range of displays that customers may use to see them. To entice the customer into your brand story, utilize lifestyle photographs of your product being used.
  • Three of your Amazon goods may be included in the advertisement. Utilizing all three spaces makes sense since, if you don’t, you’re wasting potential ad space. To convey a cohesive tale with this advertisement and provide customers with similar alternatives that correspond to their search, if you have a huge catalog, be sure to choose goods from a single line.
  • When compared to photos, employing video may be far more effective if you have the necessary resources. Since more marketers are choosing text for Sponsored Brads rather than video, viewers are more likely to interact with these adverts.

Instructions for creating a Sponsored Brands ad:

It’s easy to launch your Sponsored Brands advertisement. You don’t require a sizable budget to begin marketing your company, just as with the other advertising options on Amazon. Your advertising can be live and running in just a few clicks if you are a brand-registered merchant.

  • Go to the “Advertising” page in Seller Central, choose “Campaign Manager,” and then “Create campaign.”
  • Select “Sponsored Brands” under “Choose your campaign type” after that.
  • Enter the name of your campaign, the time period you want your advertisement to run, a daily budget, and the brand you want to promote under “Settings.”
  • You’ll select your ad format next.
  • You may select from “Product collection, Store showcase, or a Video ad,” as we previously said. I’ll select the Product collection for this illustration. You must pick at least three of your brand’s goods to highlight in order to run a Product collection ad.
  • The next step is to upload your creative material after selecting the three goods you wish to include in your Sponsored Brands advertisement. You may set the order of your items, add your logo, and even add a unique image. You also have a lot of possibilities here.
  • Selecting your targeting, entering your target keywords, and setting your bid for each term are the last steps.
  • Click “Submit for review” after selecting the terms you wish to use. Within 72 hours, Amazon will evaluate your ad. Within a short while of Amazon’s approval, your advertisement ought to be live.
Recommend to Read:Amazon Sponsored Display Ads Guide

3 Steps to Evaluate Your Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads:

Due to these conflicting objectives, concentrating only on ACOS could not provide you with the data you need to assess these campaigns. Instead, focus on metrics like click-through rate, impressions, and new-to-brand, which is a unique measure for this ad unit.

  • Keep track of impressions to find out how many people have seen your advertisement. Customer awareness of your brand increases each time they view one of your advertisements.
  • How successfully the advertisement captures the customer’s interest will be shown by the click-through rate. If there is a poor match between consumer searches and the resultant ad, it may be necessary to change the headline or the keywords.
  • To determine how well these advertisements are promoting your brand, use the new-to-brand measure provided for them. This indicator reveals the number of first-time buyers of your brand who converted as a result of ads during the previous year.

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