How to Use Amazon Marketing Services
Published On
October 8, 2024
Reading Time
5 Min Read

Would you say that Amazon is simply an eCommerce site that hosts millions of customers shopping? 

The answer is Not Quite.

The company has a good marketing feature for its sellers and big businesses known as AMS.It specializes in increasing sales and customer attraction making it a popular choice to gain an advantage in a competitive race. 

In this blog, we will discuss all there is to know about how to use Amazon marketing services and by the end, you will have an exact idea of how to be successful.

How Do You Define Amazon Marketing Services?

It is a collection of advertising options that enable businesses to market their products. Consider it a means to place adverts for your products straight on the world's largest online store, putting them in front of buyers who are ready to buy.

Why is marketing necessary
Amazon Marketing Services

This can contain everything from sponsored product ads in search results to display ads on product pages, as well as video ads.

With Amazon's large consumer base and powerful targeting capabilities, AMS allows businesses of all sizes to get visibility, attract traffic to their product listings and eventually improve revenue.

Why is it Useful?

  • Mass audience: There are millions of people on Amazon every day looking for various items which increases their chances to people likely to purchase them.
  • Placement of Products: AMS allows you to place your products in prominent places including but not limited to search results.
  • Cost Effective: You only pay if a person clicks on your advertisement through the feature of Pay Per Click. 
  • This means you are paying for real results rather than for simply showing up somewhere.
  • Advertisements Are Targeted: AMS is created in such a way that advertising is targeted not only at customer interests but also their behavior. You may also retarget customers who interacted with the product in the past.
  • Comprehensive Consumer Analysis: Amazon offers advanced features for running promotional campaigns to facilitate real time performance monitoring. 

In this way, one can make necessary changes to their ads for enhanced performance.

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Types of Advertisments on AMS

Now that you appreciate the advantages, let’s see the various advertising options it offers.It can be divided into three kinds Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands and Sponsored Displays. 

Each of them plays a different role so it is important to know which type is relevant to your objectives.

Sponsored Products

Marketing of Products is the fourth type of advertisement on Amazon aiming at endorsing particular categories of product listings in a pay per click capacity. 

Amazon Sponsored Product Ads
Amazon Sponsored Product Ads

These ads appear in Amazon search results on within product pages. They appear as ordinary product listings on the Amazon site, thus very effective as most customers do not even realize that they are clicking on an advert.

When to Use:

The brand has a huge potential.Several interrelated products or services can be used to advertise them together.

It is necessary to increase the flow of visitors to the Store.

Sponsored Brands

With Sponsored Brands, you can promote your brand and many products simultaneously. Usually, such ads are located at the uppermost part of the search results page with one’s company logo, a tailored caption and a few of the products.

Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads
Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads

When to Use:

You desire to increase the recognition of your brand.You have a variety of products that go hand in hand and you would like to market those products together.

You would like to enhance the traffic on your Amazon store or a specific landing page.

Sponsored Display

The Sponsored Display advertisements enable you to target the right audience both on and off Amazon. These advertisements can be found in many places: product description pages, review pages or even other sites. 

Amazon Sponsored Display Ads
Amazon Sponsored Display Ads

These ads are aimed at consumers based on their past browsing activities and shopping preferences.

When to Use:

You are looking for ways to reconnect with consumers who have seen your item but did not purchase it.You want to bring traffic from other sites into your Amazon product listings.

You want to raise awareness of your product to a larger base of potential customers.

Recommend to Read:10 Amazon PPC Strategies: Top Ways to Boost Your Sales
Recommend to Read:Amazon PPC Cost a Complete Guide

Follow the Steps on How to Use Amazon Marketing Services

Having examined the different types of ads let's examine the process of launching the very first AMS campaign.

Create an Account

To use the service you need an account. If it does not exist, visit the webpage and register. It shouldn’t be a hassle because it is easy and some personal and financial details are required.

Access Advertising Section

After finishing the account process, you are eligible to use Amazon Advertising Service. Look for the Advertising tab. Click on it 

After that proceed to the Campaign Manager option.

Choose Your Type

In Campaign Manager, you will see the option to set up a new campaign. Choose the type of Ad you wish to run like Sponsored Products, Brands or Displays. 

For those who are new to running campaigns, it is sponsored products that are mostly recommended.

Set Your Goals

Do not forget that in Amazon you will also have to define a campaign budget and a campaign period. 

Make sure that you indicate a budget that you would not mind going over because you will be charged depending on how many clicks your Ad gets.

Selecting Items

Then, proceed to select the products you would like to promote. You can select a single item or in the case of a running Sponsored Brands campaign, you may select multiple products.

Choose Targeting Strategy

Let's move on to the advertising that suits your needs. There are two alternatives:

Automatic Targeting: Amazon utilizes its algorithms to place ads that are relevant to particular customers in terms of keywords, products and shopper behavior.

Manual Targeting: You may choose which keywords or products to target and this is more flexible but requires more research work and adjustments.

Setup Bidding Amount

When it comes to Amazon PPC you will have to decide on a bid that is based on the price you can pay if someone clicks on your ad. 

They can be modified with time to achieve desired results.


Finally, after everything has been put in place. Simply click on the button Launch Campaign. Your advertisements will be active and upon the targeted strategy you have put in place you will begin to receive impressions and clicks.

Monitor and Improve

As soon as you start it is of utmost importance to monitor the performance. The reports presented by Amazon contain important information.

Take advantage and adjust your strategy to improve your results.

Some Tips To Help You

  • Aim Small: Aim for a small investment and run just a couple of campaigns. This is important so that you will be able to find out what works without losing too much money in the process.
  • Using Negative Keywords: They are words that can be added to minimize the chances of your ad being displayed with irrelevant searches. 
  • Testing Your Ads: Introduce banner ads with different headings, images and keywords to determine the best-performing ad.
  • Optimize Listings: Make sure that the product title, images, bullet points and description are of high quality.
  • Stay Ahead in Trends: Monitor market conditions and developments continuously. 


AMS is an efficient advertising tool that allows the expansion of the customer base, enhances product targeting and increases sales.

Knowing the varieties of ads, establishing specific objectives and improving campaigns with time helps in maximizing your efforts.

Of course, patience is a great virtue and one should always hope for the best. 

With the right mind and strategy in place, you can be certain that the business will flourish on the Amazon platform.

Frequently Ask Questions

Q: What are the types of Ads that fall under Amazon marketing services?

A: They are Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Displays. Each boosts product visibility in different ways.

Q: Do I have to pay even if no one clicks on my Ads?

A: No, you only pay when someone clicks. This is why PPC is so great.

Q: Can AMS advertising be targeted to specific customers?

A: Yes, it enables targeting depending on the way people search, their interests and how they have interacted with your products.

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